Hurrah!! Now that you have established cogency of your super product idea, we move a step closer to realizing it. The design phase establishes two key aspects – The Performance (how quickly the work gets done) and The Usability (how pleasing is it to use the product). Work needs to be undertaken on two parallel streams, but getting them both right is the key.
What is a tech stack and why do you need one? Well, Imagine you are constructing the tallest building, something taller than Burj-Khalifa. You will need robust foundations to keep the structure in place. Designing the architecture of the system along a robust tech stack does the same. Your product can scale heights.
A tech stack is nothing but the collection of languages, tools, platforms, software’s that your product is built upon.

The performance depends on choosing the appropriate Technology Stack. (Generally in large enterprises you will have a solutions consultant who creates this architecture for you. But as a Product Manager you should be aware of the Pros & Cons of choosing certain technology over the other.) The Usability depends on choosing the right Design Patterns and the Aesthetics. – An amazing site that offers you insights on what some of the top companies use as their tech stack. Some of the technologies are free, like lets say PHP, but not all. Do a thorough research on costing as well.

Setting up the back-end by asking yourself the following questions:
- Hosting : On-Premise /PaaS/ IaaS
- DB Choice: SQL/NoSQL
- Federated ID Required?
- Web/ Native Mobile / Hybrid
- DB Schema
- 3D Content? Libraries
- Costing
- API’s
- Microservices
- CI CD Pipeline
- CMS works?